Government of India Central Bureau of Health Intelligence Department of Health & Family Welfare
Central Bureau of Health Intelligence - Government of India

Medical Health and Nursing Man-Power Statistics 2005


No. of Allopathic Medical practitioners registered with Medical Council     of India along with ratio.
No. of Allopathic Doctors possessing Recognised Medical Qualification                       

(Under IMC Act.) and registered with State Medical Councils to 1991-05.
No. of Dental Surgeon registered with Dental Council of India 1951-2004.
No. of recognized Government training centres for different courses in State Nursing Council and Board of Examinations during the year 2003.
No. of Registered General, Nursing Midwifery, Auxiliary Nurses, Midwives & Health Visitors as on 31.3.2004 (Govt.)
 Subject-wise distribution of Indian Doctors trained abroad registrants 
(1st January, 1999 to 31st December, 2005).
Medical experts deputed on foreign assignment in various developing countries during 2001 & 2002.  
Number of Medical Graduates (Including post graduate) on the live                                 

Register of Employment Exchanges in each State/ UT during 1991-99.                    
No. of Govt. Allopathic Doctors and Dentists and average population   served in different States/UTs. 
ANMs / Health Workers (Female) and LHV/Health Assistant (Female)                         

Training School and Annual Admission Capacity (As on 31.03.2001).
Health Manpower in Rural Areas – Doctors at Primary Health Centres
as on Sept.2004 (Govt.)
Health Manpower working in rural areas - Total Specialist Govt. as on      Sept 2004. 
Health Manpower working in rural areas – (Govt.) Multipurpose Worker (Female) / ANM as on Sept.2004.   

e-National health Profile Trainings Data Entry Portal NHRR (National Health Resource Repository) Health Sector Policy Reform Options Database (HS-PROD) WHO Collaboration Centre